Package: lme4 1.1-35.6

Ben Bolker

lme4: Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4

Fit linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models. The models and their components are represented using S4 classes and methods. The core computational algorithms are implemented using the 'Eigen' C++ library for numerical linear algebra and 'RcppEigen' "glue".

Authors:Douglas Bates [aut], Martin Maechler [aut], Ben Bolker [aut, cre], Steven Walker [aut], Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen [ctb], Henrik Singmann [ctb], Bin Dai [ctb], Fabian Scheipl [ctb], Gabor Grothendieck [ctb], Peter Green [ctb], John Fox [ctb], Alexander Bauer [ctb], Pavel N. Krivitsky [ctb, cph], Emi Tanaka [ctb], Mikael Jagan [ctb]

lme4.pdf |lme4.html
lme4/json (API)

# Install 'lme4' in R:
install.packages('lme4', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • Arabidopsis - Arabidopsis clipping/fertilization data
  • Dyestuff - Yield of dyestuff by batch
  • Dyestuff2 - Yield of dyestuff by batch
  • InstEval - University Lecture/Instructor Evaluations by Students at ETH
  • Pastes - Paste strength by batch and cask
  • Penicillin - Variation in penicillin testing
  • VerbAgg - Verbal Aggression item responses
  • cake - Breakage Angle of Chocolate Cakes
  • cbpp - Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
  • grouseticks - Data on red grouse ticks from Elston et al. 2001
  • grouseticks_agg - Data on red grouse ticks from Elston et al. 2001
  • sleepstudy - Reaction times in a sleep deprivation study


100 exports 618 stars 14.02 score 12 dependencies 1416 dependents 9.3k mentions 29.1k scripts 330.9k downloads

Last updated 20 days agofrom:bfd7a44d0a. Checks:OK: 4 ERROR: 4 NOTE: 1. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 28 2024
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTEAug 28 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKAug 28 2024
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKAug 28 2024
R-4.4-mac-x86_64ERRORAug 28 2024
R-4.4-mac-aarch64ERRORAug 28 2024
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKAug 28 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64ERRORAug 28 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64ERRORAug 28 2024


Computational Methods

Rendered fromTheory.Rnwusingknitr::knitron Aug 28 2024.

Last update: 2022-03-15
Started: 2012-03-15

Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models using lme4

Rendered fromlmer.Rnwusingknitr::knitron Aug 28 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-15
Started: 2014-06-18

lme4 performance tips

Rendered fromlmerperf.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 28 2024.

Last update: 2022-11-15
Started: 2014-10-01

PLS vs GLS for LMMs

Rendered fromPLSvGLS.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Aug 28 2024.

Last update: 2012-03-15
Started: 2012-03-15

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Linear, generalized linear, and nonlinear mixed modelslme4-package lme4
Refit a fitted model with all available optimizersallFit
Arabidopsis clipping/fertilization dataArabidopsis
Model-based (Semi-)Parametric Bootstrap for Mixed ModelsbootMer
Breakage Angle of Chocolate Cakescake
Contagious bovine pleuropneumoniacbpp
Extended Convergence CheckingcheckConv
Compute Confidence Intervals for Parameters of a [ng]lmer Fitconfint.merMod confint.thpr
Assessing Convergence for Fitted Modelsconvergence
Extract the deviance component listdevcomp
Deviance Function in Terms of Standard Deviations/Correlationsdevfun2
Drop all possible single fixed-effect terms from a mixed effect modeldrop1.merMod
Dummy variables (experimental)dummy
Yield of dyestuff by batchDyestuff Dyestuff2
Expand terms with ''||'' notation into separate ''|'' termsexpandDoubleVerts ||
Attempt to convert grouping variables to factorsfactorize
Determine random-effects expressions from a formulafindbars
Extract fixed-effects estimatesfixed.effects fixef fixef.merMod
add information to data based on a fitted modelfortify fortify.merMod getData getData.merMod
Extract or Get Generalized Components from a Fitted Mixed Effects ModelgetL getL,merMod-method getME getME.merMod
Univariate Gauss-Hermite quadrature ruleGHrule
Fitting Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Modelsglmer
Fitting Negative Binomial GLMMsglmer.nb negative.binomial
Handle for 'glmerLaplace'glmerLaplaceHandle
Generator object for the 'glmFamily' classglmFamily
Class '"glmFamily"' - a reference class for 'family'glmFamily-class
Class '"golden"' and Generator for Golden Search Optimizer Classgolden golden-class
Sparse Gaussian / Gauss-Hermite Quadrature gridGQdk GQN
Data on red grouse ticks from Elston et al. 2001grouseticks grouseticks_agg
Diagonal elements of the hat matrixhatvalues.merMod
Influence Diagnostics for Mixed-Effects Modelscooks.distance.influence.merMod cooks.distance.merMod dfbeta.influence.merMod dfbetas.influence.merMod influence.merMod
University Lecture/Instructor Evaluations by Students at ETHInstEval
Is f1 nested within f2?isNested
Check characteristics of modelsisGLMM isGLMM.merMod isLMM isLMM.merMod isNLMM isNLMM.merMod isREML isREML.merMod
Test Fitted Model for (Near) SingularityisSingular
Detect testing level for lme4 examples and testslme4_testlevel
Fit Linear Mixed-Effects Modelslmer
Control of Mixed Model Fitting.makeCC glmerControl lmerControl nlmerControl
Fit List of lm or glm Objects with a Common ModellmList plot.lmList
Class "lmList4" of 'lm' Objects on Common ModellmList4-class show,lmList4-method
Generator objects for the response classesglmResp lmerResp lmResp nlsResp
Reference Classes for Response Modules, '"(lm|glm|nls|lmer)Resp"'glmResp-class lmerResp-class lmResp-class nlsResp-class
Class "merMod" of Fitted Mixed-Effect Modelsanova.merMod as.function.merMod coef.merMod deviance.merMod df.residual.merMod extractAIC.merMod family.merMod fitted.merMod formula.merMod glmerMod-class lmerMod-class logLik.merMod merMod merMod-class model.frame.merMod model.matrix.merMod ngrps.merMod nlmerMod-class nobs nobs.merMod print.merMod print.summary.merMod REMLcrit show,merMod-method show.merMod show.summary.merMod summary.merMod summary.summary.merMod terms.merMod update.merMod weights.merMod
Generator object for the 'merPredD' classmerPredD
Class '"merPredD"' - a Dense Predictor Reference ClassmerPredD-class
Create a 'merMod' ObjectmkMerMod
Create an lmerResp, glmResp or nlsResp instancemkRespMod
Make Random Effect Terms: Create Z, Lambda, Lind, etc.mkNewReTrms mkReTrms
Make templates suitable for guiding mixed model simulationsmkDataTemplate mkParsTemplate
Make Variance and Correlation Matrices from 'theta'mkVarCorr
Modular Functions for Mixed Model FitsglFormula lFormula mkGlmerDevfun mkLmerDevfun modular optimizeGlmer optimizeLmer updateGlmerDevfun
Self-naming list functionnamedList
Nelder-Mead Optimization of Parameters, Possibly (Box) ConstrainedNelder_Mead
Class '"NelderMead"' of Nelder-Mead optimizers and its GeneratorNelderMead NelderMead-class
Number of Levels of a Factor or a "merMod" Modelngrps
Manipulate a Nonlinear Model Formulanlformula
Fitting Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modelsnlmer
Wrappers for additional optimizersnlminbwrap nloptwrap
Omit terms separated by vertical bars in a formulanobars
Paste strength by batch and caskPastes
Variation in penicillin testingPenicillin
Diagnostic Plots for 'merMod' Fitsplot.merMod qqmath.merMod
Mixed-Effects Profile Plots (Regular / Density / Pairs)densityplot.thpr splom.thpr xyplot.thpr
Predictions from a model at new data valuespredict.merMod
Profile method for merMod log.thpr logProf profile-methods profile.merMod varianceProf
Print and Summary Method Utilities for Mixed Effects.prt.aictab .prt.grps .prt.methTit .prt.resids .prt.VC .prt.warn formatVC llikAIC methTitle
Getting p-values for fitted modelsmcmcsamp pvalues
Extract the modes of the random dotplot.ranef.mer qqmath.ranef.mer ranef ranef.merMod
Refit a (merMod) Model with a Different Responserefit refit.merMod
Refit a Model by Maximum Likelihood CriterionrefitML refitML.merMod
PCA of random-effects covariance matrixrePCA
Generator object for the rePos (random-effects positions) classrePos
Class '"rePos"'rePos-class
residuals of merMod objectsresiduals.glmResp residuals.lmResp residuals.merMod
Extract Residual Standard Deviation 'Sigma'sigma sigma.merMod
A 'simulate' Method for 'formula' objects that dispatches based on the Left-Hand Sidesimulate.formula
Simulate Responses From 'merMod' Object.simulateFun simulate.merMod
Reaction times in a sleep deprivation studysleepstudy
"Sub[stitute] Bars"subbars
Extract Variance and Correlation print.VarCorr.merMod VarCorr VarCorr.merMod
Convert between representations of (co-)variance structurescov2sdcor Cv_to_Sv Cv_to_Vv mlist2vec sdcor2cov Sv_to_Cv vcconv vec2mlist vec2STlist Vv_to_Cv
Covariance matrix of estimated parametersvcov.merMod vcov.summary.merMod
Verbal Aggression item responsesVerbAgg